Thank you for the last delivery of Copper Heelers and so happy to say they are working well and I am free from pain.

crowtherFollowing trauma to my left ankle some 15 years ago I have been in severe and continuous pain from the resulting arthritis in the joint.

I was offered fusion of the joint as a solution and planned to have the treatment in late summer this year. My wife read an article about the use of the Original Copper Heeler and decided that I should at least try using them, against my better judgement I decided to go along with the idea.

Within days I was free of the acute pain in my ankle and now after 3 months I am only aware of mild discomfort in the joint, needless to say I have cancelled the surgery.

I cannot say ‘thank you’ enough for this amazing and simple product and have recommended the insoles to friends and my Chiropodist has already taken the extra leaflets I asked for to give to other patients.

Sincere thanks again.

Michael Crowther.